Arts & Entertainment, Gallery Beat

Support your local Artists’ Sunday!

By F. Lennox Campello

Here’s your assignment for November: Support your local Artists’ Sunday!

“But Lenster,” you ask, “what is this Artists’ Sunday?”

Artists Sunday is an annual event that showcases the work of artists and artisans local to you! This year it takes place November 27, 2022.

✓ Artists Sunday is a day to support local artists in your community.

✓ Artists Sunday was created in 2020 to encourage people to shop with artists and buy art as gifts during the holidays.

✓ There’s perhaps nothing more personal than a gift of the arts.

✓ Give something special, unique, and handcrafted this holiday season and support local artists and the local economy.

✓ More than 500 communities across the United States have come together for the second year to champion local artists and promote the giving of the arts this holiday season.

✓ Communities from coast-to-coast, large and small, are celebrating Artists Sunday on Nov 27, 2022 by highlighting local artists, creators and makers and promoting the giving of artistic items and experiences for the holidays.

✓ Positioned during the year’s busiest holiday shopping weekend, Artist Sunday, falls between Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.

✓ Artists Sunday unites artists and communities across the country, all promoting shopping with local artists.

✓ Artists Sunday, the Sunday after Thanksgiving (Nov 27 this year), is the world’s largest art event, dedicated to supporting artists and recognizing the impact they have in enriching our lives, communities, and the economy.

By supporting the work of these artists and artisans and creators we not only support and stimulate your local economy, which as most of us know is in dire need of stimulations, but as I’ve discovered over the years, it also offer all of us the opportunity to gift and/or collect one-of-a-kind pieces of art and crafts.

An easy way to hit about 85 artists at once is through Artists & Makers Studios, as they support and promote the work of more than 85 artists and makers between their two current locations in Maryland and Arizona – and I invite you to browse their website for the artists’ profiles, links, and images. Either go visit them at their Rockville location at 11810 Parklawn Drive, Suite 210, or check them out online at

While you are there do not miss a show by one of the best-known “green” artists on the planet, as Erwin Timmers, along with artists of the Washington Glass School has a November exhibit titled “A Show of Hands” with two additional exhibits and an Open Studio event. Also enjoy additional exhibits – “X marks the spot” with Resident Artists, and Gallery 209 Artists exhibiting their latest work.

Dutch-born, but DMV resident for many years, Erwin Timmers is the Co-founder and Director of the Washington Glass School. His work “references sociological and environmental issues of concern to him, primarily how we, as a society, consume and discard precious resources. For this topic the choice of materials becomes a more important discussion, so Erwin endeavors to use recycled materials to express concepts and ideas of recycling and use of the environment.  Recycled glass is difficult to use, so he has had to develop new and experimental techniques to exploit the characteristics of this material. A Show of Hands explores personal and cultural traits as they relate to present day social trends. Technological “advances” have changed the landscape in human interaction, and social media focuses on aspects of cultural loss, fake news, mass manipulation, and diversion and division. This series is about the expression of nonverbal and abstract themes like trust, communication, and connection. Erwin’s portfolio showcases the possibility and beauty of recycled material, while encouraging the viewer to consider his or her environmental impact.”

GO see and…buy some art.

About the Author: F. Lennox Campello’s art news, information, gallery openings, commentary, criticism, happenings, opportunities, and everything associated with the global visual arts scene with a special focus on the Greater Washington, DC area has been a premier source for the art community for over 20 years. Since 2003, his blog has been the 11th highest ranked art blog on the planet with over SIX million visitors.

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