Pets, Places, & Things, Points on Pets

Snakes–the Myth, the Legend, the Pet!

Points On Pets By Jane Koska Snakes–the Myth, the Legend, the Pet! Everybody’s heard that the reason there are no snakes in Ireland is because St. Patrick chased them into the sea. In reality, Ireland wasn’t a good place back then to practice herding snakes, and it still isn’t today. Scientists believe there were never any snakes in Ireland to begin with. That’s because if any snakes had ever lived there, they would have perished during the Ice Age. Subsequently, Ireland’s separation from the European mainland kept new snakes from recolonizing the island. Ireland reported its first venomous snake bite – ever –  in March 2020, when a man was bitten by his “pet” puff adder, a large, dangerous species native to Africa. While we don’t know much about this incident, it certainly illustrates the danger of keeping a snake capable of a venomous bite. It’s safe to say that venomous animals of any sort should be approached with caution and not kept as pets. Snakes are a polarizing group of animals! It seems that people fall at the ends of the love-hate spectrum, rather than in the middle. Snake fans appreciate the animals’ beauty, uniqueness, and interesting behaviors. Fans know that, contrary to some misconceptions, snakes are not slimy. They’re smooth and shiny and muscular. Snake lovers also understand that snakes are an important part of the ecosystem, and their presence benefits humans as well. A single snake, depending on its size and species, can eat dozens of rats and mice in a year. Many of us can satisfy our interest in snakes by visiting an accredited zoo or aquarium where we can safely view them from a distance. Also, some local nature centers exhibit snakes, and are a great place to see native species up close. Some snake…

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