On the Road, Pets, Places, & Things

On The Road-September 2020

The “Usual Suspects” were at it again just before the Corona virus hullabaloo came into place. Long time Old Town Crier readers and Alexandria residents, Marty Yeager, Michele Cumberland, Cathy & “Brad” Bradford and Lynne and Jack Rhoades were able to spend a week in Playa del Carmen in Old Mexico before the travel ban was put into place.  They tell us that they enjoyed a variety of delicious foods and beautiful beaches on top of having some great weather – all of which made for a very relaxing pre-Covid adventure. We love that they always take along the OTC on their treks.

Photo caption: From left to right, Jack and Lynne Rhoades, Brad and Cathy Bradford, Michele Cumberland and Marty Yeager.

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