Behind the Bar, Wining & Dining

Behind the Bar: Tara Hopkins

Tara Hopkins

Fish Market Restaurant Anchor Bar

105 King Street

Old Town Alexandria


Tara serves up the Copper Schooner – 32 ounces of Habanero Moonshine, Owens Craft Ginger Beer & Lome’!

How did you get started in the bartending business?

I was a server at the time and the day bartender needed some of her shifts picked up, so I volunteered.  I had to beg management to give me a chance, and they did. A few months later one of the night bartenders came to work drunk, he was fired, and I took all his night shifts!

What is your biggest bartender pet peeve?

Oh boy, that is a tough one! My biggest pet peeve would be when a customer yells at me to “turn the game on” and it is already on but has gone to commercial.

What is the cleverest line anyone has ever used to get you to give them a free drink?

Ha! I already paid my tab “T”, can you hook me up with a shot?

What is the best/worst pickup line you have overheard at the bar?

Can I be your Uber tonight?!

Tell us about an interesting encounter you have had with a customer(s).

I am from Maryland and I take pride in my obsession with picking crabs. I always make it a priority to invite my dearest customers to join me at my favorite crab house.  I pick them all up, load them in my truck and off we go for a field trip to eat some crabs and drink some beer!

If you could sit down and have a drink with anyone in the world, past or present, who would that be?

Judge Judy, hehehehehe! I just love that woman, straight to the point and gives it to you straight! Just like me 😊.

Tara is behind the bar Monday through Friday 11:30am-4:00 pm.

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