Pets, Places, & Things, Points on Pets

Making A Love for Animals Into A Career

Did you know that the first week of March is National Pet Sitters Week? A big thank-you to all of those animal-lovers who help us care for our pets when we aren’t able to. Because animals – especially pets – are a big deal to us in this country. In 2009, Americans spent $45.5 billion on their pets, and this figure is only expected to rise in the coming years, as more and more people come to see their pets as members of the family. Pet-care jobs will keep pace with this trend. Pet-sitting is just one of the many careers you can choose if you’re an animal-lover. In addition to being able to spend time with cute pets, some other benefits of pet-related jobs include being able to create your own schedule and work your own hours; many don’t require formal training or licensing (though requires training of its animal-lovers and is licensed). Dog walking is another great career: you spend a lot of time outdoors getting exercise and fresh air, making a dog’s day, your clients are always happy to see you, and you get lots of affection for your efforts! But there are other interesting and lucrative careers featuring animals, such as: Pet grooming: This is a huge industry, and for good reason: just as humans need grooming, dental care, and the like, so do pets. Even pets with short hair need baths, nail trims, teeth-cleaning, and the rest. Long-haired and special breeds need a bit more to make sure mats don’t build up in their fur and to make them look nice. You can either work in a grooming salon, or you can operate your own mobile grooming service; special vans are outfitted with power, running water, and all sorts of cool gadgets, and can…

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